Photos of Digs and Activities
May 22
Walker Shinaberry from PC High finding Littler's Blue pottery
Haley Moore found this shard of prehistoric pottery
.Marlinton Middle school students screening
Dr. Stephen McBride helps the 8th graders learn about where they will excavate
Brandon Price of Marlinton Middle School shows a smoking pipe bowl fragment he found
May 24
Susie our faithful site guard
Mary Sue Burns, a favorite teacher of many a Pocahontas Co student, finds a projectile point
Aritfacts, two gunflints, pewter button, triangular file, bullet, ceramic spout from a tea pot
May 25
Greenbank 7th graders look on as Dr. McBride explains the exciting find of an archeological feature (note the stain near his left knee).
A rare find today, a gunflint reused as a strike a light (note the indentation).
May 26
Small dark stain is a post mold and larger dark stain going into the top wall is a prehistoric period pit
We had lots of help today from Green Bank 3rd and 4th graders
Circular stain is still a mystery but excavation of it may provide clues
Knife blade, pewter button, refitted pipe stems, refitted shoe buckle, projectile point.
May 27
Pocahontas Co Honor Guard presents a gun salute to the militia who built the fort and guarded the frontier
Landowner Bob Sheets explains to Open House guests about restoration of the Warwick Cemetery and the gun salute to come
Staff member Jake Ramsay shows Open House guests some of the stains in the units
Staff member Kim McBride shows Open House guests artifacts from previous days of excavation
May 31
Auguring leads us to a suspicious looking dark stain, with circles
Expanding the excavation confirms we have found another line of stockade trench; the circles are from posts
June 1
Dark Stain is the NE corner of the fort's stockade, really exciting!.
Here we are bisecting one of the post stains within the stockade trench, southeast corner of the fort
We found another gun flint made into a strike a like, On Left, and a mystery artifact on right. If you know what it is please let us Know!!
June 2
On our final day we say Thanks Again to the many volunteers and school groups who worked with us.
Our final day was a time to record features, here a circular shallow trench with post molds.
Bisection of a small post.